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OCCoin (OCC)

Ethereum Erc20

Contract Address (contract verified)

Coin Market Cap

Total supply :

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Cap :
(Mintable 7occ per transaction)

OCCoin Price:

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Road Map

  • Phase #1

    • ✅ Design JCat World projects
    • ✅ Deploy OCCoin
    • ✅ Verify token contract
    • ✅ First LP
    • ✅ Website OCCoin.io
    • ✅ Lock 89.99% of tokens at TimeLock contracts at 2040
    • ✅ Verify project OCCoin on EtherScan and list
    • ✅ ENS of OCCoin.eth
    • ⭕️ Listing on CMC(comingsoon)
    • ✅ Second LP
    • ✅ First "Air Drop" 3-24 july 2023
  • Phase #2

    • ✅ Rootala website
    • ✅ Deploy and run Rootala_Branch project
    • ✅ Burning_One 1.111% of tokens
    • ⭕️ Listing on new exchange
    • ✅ Listing on CoinGeko(comingsoon)
    • ⭕️ Burning_Two 0.3% of tokens
  • Phase #3

    • ✅ Deploy and run Rootala_Invest project
    • ⭕️ Transfer token ownership to address(0)
    • ⭕️ Burning_Three 0.3%  of tokens
  • Phase #4

    • ⭕️ Lunch "Ocallet"
    • ⭕️ Listing on ...
    • ⭕️ Burning_Four 0.3% of tokens
  • Phase #5

    • ⭕️ Lunch "Chopo"
    • ⭕️ Burning_Five 0.3% of tokens
    • ⭕️ Listing on...
  • Phase #6

    • ✅ Lunch "OCLoop" Music Player
    • ⭕️ Burning_Six 0.3% of tokens
    • ⭕️ Listing on..

Our Projects



For a company that positions itself as an expert in attracting investment and talent, the first and crucial step can be to attract capital to execute its goals. Here, we introduce the Rootala project. The Rootala holding company is divided into several sections for investment and capital attraction, the most important of which are Rootala.Invest and Rootala.Branch.
In summary, all plans of this project involve freezing a certain amount of our token for a period of 3 to 24 months, and certain profit percentage is considered in return.
The author's favorite section in the Rootala holding company can be described as a modern network building using smart contracts where everything happens automatically and transparently. In addition, in one of the plans, we decide to burn some of the value of each branch created, which will undoubtedly affect the profits of investors. And of course, it is also important to note that each investor can earn more points and profit based on the amount of investment and activity.



"OCLoop" is a music streaming and sharing platform that offers various monetization plans for music producers, investors, and music listeners.
Initially, this platform will be available as a web application and will later be accessible as an APK and iOS app for mobile phones.
The payment system of this platform is entirely based on blockchain technology (currently operating on the Ethereum network using the OCCOIN token).
Overall, everyone involved in this platform can earn income through various means.


One of the needs of a powerful set is to have a dedicated store to put everything that will be needed in the future. A store that will showcase produced content, tickets, gift cards, and many other things in its storefront. Additionally, a PoS system will be used to track the expenses of the subsidiary stores. Another feature of this store is the creation of dedicated pages for users to sell their digital products and works.



We have designed the Chlock platform to connect with other project APIs and facilitate communication between users across all platforms.
Specifically, executing music files on a network platform may seem like a simple task, but Chlock distinguishes itself with its unique feature of direct integration with the OCLooP platform.



In a world where cats compete with each other in space battles for higher ranks, more points, and greater income, you have a spaceship that you can strengthen according to your level and capital in this game.
Ultimately, you can sell your designed spaceship as an NFT in the marketplace.
Investors can also invest in you and earn income from your high-quality and sensitive competitions.



To facilitate easy access to the archive of video content created by our company, we will introduce the PicOchi platform, which will include programs such as educational films, music videos, presenter-centered programs, movies and series, and their contents.
The research project (Shohrat) is also one of these programs, which consists of 10 seasons and a total of 160 episodes on the production of successful works, engineering, and medicine in this field.
The “Shohrat project” is currently undergoing final reviews towards the start of production.



And finally, as our last promise to complete the puzzles of the J.Cat world, we turn to the production and research company OCTAWAVE.



Follow Us!

For easier access to news about our company, you can now only follow us through the links below.
Please note that our company only considers the following links valid, and will not accept any responsibility for any problems that may occur on pages other than our valid pages.
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Developer Of OCCoin


Planning Manager and Coordinator


  • MR.J